• ¿Why admit it?

    I'm a freelance journalist - two words that I used to see as incompatible with IBS – who believes that human and divine powers together can make impossible things.

    I'm also a woman who overcame the fear of the consequences of admitting a disease because sexier than our body will always be the way we face our less sexy side.

    Since I learned how to live with a medical condition like IBS and simultaneously follow my dreams, I realized how this syndrome made me strong.

    When someone faces the pitfalls of life and simultaneously deals with several physical weaknesses and fears, can face so many things. This is what I call “Cristiano Ronaldo factor”. He is one of the best footballers in the world, mainly due his hard work, courage and hope.

    When his colleagues was resting at the end of a day of training, he was putting weights around his ankles and playing with a ball. After this effort, when he was in a real competition (without weights), he could achieve better results. It's exactly this kind of effort I find in a person who lives with IBS and doesn't allow this medical condition control her life.

    Nowadays, I'm free from the bonds that held me for years and I'm prepared to face any situation that can limit my freedom. I love writing and I believe that part of my mission is to challenge others with my words in a constructive way. Although it costs me to admit it, I'm afraid God uses what happens to me to give me material to write about. In this way, I need to write about one of my greatest victories, the one that won SCI. Bearing in mind that I know what living with this medical condition is, I plan to continue to provide information that may help others to face IBS.

    It's important to underline that I don't have any medical knowledge and my sources to write are my own experience and information I got on the Internet or in conversations with doctors and other experts on health. So, any suggestion of therapy should be discussed with your doctor, bearing in mind your medical history. Some therapies or pills can be bad for you, if you are allergic to any ingredient or if you have another health problem (even some problem that you are not aware about), for example. I write with simple language to stay away from medical language and also to reach the largest possible number of people.

    Each story is different and each person is a unique person. Therefore, I hope you don't try to copy my experience. Instead, I wish you can build your own happy ending. ¡We are together!

    Any question, contact me through my email and I will try to reply as soon as possible: andreiangr@gmail.com

    ¡I will be delighted to talk to you! ¡Thank you!


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